Broke Royals Break The Mod With Multi-Layered Debut

By: Sarah Santora

After three years of EPs, additions and subtractions, DC duo Broke Royals have finally released their self-titled debut album. Spanning 12 refreshing, engaging tracks, this album is both bright and fun, while also honest and vulnerable. The band no doubt push the limits of the alternative genre, often utilizing shimmering electro-pop sounds, arrangements and beats. However, amid fun there is meaning, and for Broke Royals, there is a much deeper layer working than meets the eye.

Atwood Magazine is proud to be premiering Broke Royals, independently out 11/17/2017. The Washington, DC-based duo of Philip Basnight and Colin Cross have already been garnering significant recognition as one of DC’s premier live bands, and their debut asserts the validity of that tile. First track “Falling Up” serves as the perfect introductory to the album: Its simplicity and upbeat tempo creates a build-up for the listener. We’re told from the very beginning that we’re on a “victory lap” – but what have we won?
